There's movement
A shaky start then. It's been many moons since I last added content here.
The reason for beginning ended.
And I've not listened to much hip-hop for a while now and to be honest, my interest in keeping up to speed on things has waned. I'm tired of hearing the same old shit and bored with the drudgery of sifting through masses of unimaginative drivel to find the little gems of brilliance.
Which is the reason for not progressing much beyond the shaky beginnings.
But I heard some tunes from an album titled Decomposition by an Artist named Decompoze and I was reminded that you don't have to dig 13 year old CD's out of your collection to hear some classic Hip Hop.
So I might make a bit more of an effort to search out more jewels such as this. It could very well be a worthwhile investment of my time for these kinds of rewards.
Perhaps I'll even tap out a few words here should I be as lucky again.